Tuesday 21 March 2017

The Self Actualising Woman

So back in the day men mated widely to ensure their genes would be passed on, says Darwin, I say they did it coz they could. Woman mated wisely because they had a lot more invested in the act, they carried the child sometimes at great risk to their health and then cared for the child. As far as possible they selected their male partners in accordance with the prudence required for this venture. Strong genes, good provider, willingness to invest in the endeavour etc.

Much of the male psychology have been programmed to cater for this prudent calling so we pride ourselves on being able to achieve these very things. We apply ourselves vigorously to the task and judge ourselves terribly when we cannot achieve this and this self condemnation has its own list of counter productive consequences.

Why oh why we then ask with tears of despair are our woman not satisfied when we work so hard to keep the bacon coming and the bills paid?

It is no longer the realm of men alone to achieve goals, test our strength and keep pushing the limits of ourselves and mankind. Woman have for generations been self actualising and the survival of the species is no longer at the forefront of their list of priorities. I say bravo, is there not enough people consuming earth and enriching the few.

The Modern Woman no longer need men to provide and protect even though much of the time genetically they still have this expectation but that will fade in time because having this ultimately leaves them wanting more.

If you are a self actualised male you will know that having a female partner that simply says yes and amen to everything and has your meal ready and your shirts ironed would drive you mad! (I know I know a part of you begs for it but deep inside you know)You want a partner that walks along side you as an equal because the results are exponential as we see in business and every other field of life. (Teams of different people achieve exponential success)
Well the modern woman wants the same. Forget the word "woman". The currently evolving Human wants this.

This evolution is both beautiful and devastating to our age old genotypic paradigms. She wants what you want(I hope), inspiration, goals smashed, limits pushed, ground taken. This profile does not belong to the Men of Old, it belongs to the Human and woman are just finally getting there. Its a monstrous mountain and we wont all make it but if we start thinking about it we set the base for our kids and their kids to get it.

Alas this is merely what  I see us evolving, growing into. Whoever you oppress, woman, indigenous peoples,  is going to bite you in the balls one day. If you get it early it might just be a nibble and until you do get it we will only be half of what we can be..

The challenge for the ladies on this journey is that they also still entertain the innate expectation from a man to be the strong provider that regularly tares her clothes off with fierce desire. When however men are in this place where they are doing all the things they think they supposed to but the self actualising woman wants a new range of things that the media has not yet started feeding into his mind he is lost and if he doesn't resort to focusing on goals again he swirls in depression.

We are slowly wading through our evolving paradigms about being a man or being a woman and its fucking hard. It is actually about being human, if we start there it simplifies things a bit....just a small bit..like...tiny...

This is a whole realm still to be discussed, researched and philosophised about...